Residents have requested an extension so that the sidewalk (on the corner of Hampton Place and Brook Highland Drive) extends to the neighborhood entrance on Brook Highland Parkway.
Furthermore, residents became aware that school buses drop off students at the entrance to Brook Highland (on Brook Highland Parkway). The students must walk in the grass or street during the high traffic times between 2:00-3:30pm on school days. As you may expect, this is not ideal and can be hazardous.
For these reasons, the HOA is working toward extending the sidewalk.

The sidewalk extension is not a small project and securing the funds for this project will take a couple years and is part of the reason for a recent increase in HOA dues. We will be soliciting proposals again this year in hopes of obtaining a lower price. Please contact us if you have a company that you would recommend.
Thank you! This should have been put in by Eddlemen when the subdivision was in the building phase. With the slight increase in HOA dues, it is still much less than the surrounding neighborhoods.