The speed limit throughout Brook Highland is 25 MPH. There have many complaints concerning the number of speeders in Brook Highland. The vast majority of speeders in this neighborhood live here.
Please observe the speed limit in our neighborhood. There are many residents that enjoy walking, jogging or riding bicycles.
Below are some reminders from the Alabama Driver Manual.
The number of pedestrian injuries/fatalities could be greatly reduced if motorists were more observant, particularly on streets with parked vehicles, during hours of darkness or poor visibility, in spots with a number of children going to and from school or play areas, and in areas with churches, mailboxes, bus stops and other spots with high foot traffic.
- Yield to all vehicles when crossing at points other than crosswalks.
- When walking on a roadway, stay as far left as possible, in single file.
- In darkness/poor visibility, carry alight, wear clothing in light colors and/or with reflective materials.
- Slippery roads/poor visibility may hinder driver’s ability to stop quickly.
- Make eye contact with a driver before proceeding.
- Stop for school children and school safety patrols directing movement.
- Yield to blind pedestrians with canes and/or guide dogs.
- Not block crosswalks when at a stop sign or waiting on a red light.
- Stop for a school bus displaying an extended stop arm.
Thanks for posting. Residents also need to remember the streets are under the purview of the Shelby County Sheriff’s Department. Speed limits and stopping at Stop signs are the law.