Thanks to everyone who responded to our recent survey. The survey was intended to solicit input and feedback for our HOA. A compilation of all responses can be seen by logging in and visiting this page. A summary of the responses and our initial actions are provided below. As indicated in the summary we will be setting up a resident meeting to discuss these topics and will be providing future articles in response to some of the more common requests.
What do you consider to be the top neighborhood issues / priorities that need to be addressed?
Safety and Security was the overwhelming response by many residents, followed closely by traffic and speeding. We will reach out to the Shelby County Sheriffs’ Department to request them to attend a resident meeting to discuss your concerns and potential solutions. Many of you would like to have more neighborhood activities. We believe some type of social committee would be a good way for the HOA to provide our support in this area. An underlying theme and expectation of the residents is for the Board to ensure effective management of the HOA, our finances, covenants and maintenance. The Board shares your concerns and accepts this as our primary role. We meet with Neighborhood Management monthly to oversight all expenditures, compliance issues and interactions with residents. The Board reviews Architectural Review requests upon receipt. In parallel, the Board is reviewing our management contract, maintenance strategies and contracts, and future projects (e.g. sidewalks, flumes, etc.).
What committees would you like to see created and would you be willing to support?
Consistent with the concern over safety and security, some type of committee or Neighborhood Watch was a common suggestion. This will be a topic at our resident meeting. Several residents have expressed interest in a social or events committee or perhaps a resurrection of the Brook Highland Women’s club. We plan to set up a meeting for volunteers who would be willing to support this.
What is your preferred method of communication?
Email was a clear preference for communication. To get all the information possible, please ensure you enter your email into both the Owner Portal (by Neighborhood Management) for official business, and for Resident information. Also, the Brook Highland Neighbors Facebook page is an excellent source of information between residents.
What topics would you like to receive communications on?
The HOA can definitely improve in this area. Preferred topics included: Security, Neighborhood Events, HOA business, Common community topics and more information about the neighborhood (and HOA). We will be posting articles related to some of these topics to our website News and/or FAQs.
What do you like about living in Brook Highland?
We all align with Brook Highland being a beautiful neighborhood in a great location with good surrounding community. We want to assist residents in making our neighborhood even more family friendly through a social committee. To ensure we maintain our value, the Board is reviewing our covenants to provide supplemental guidance to support more reasonable and consistent application.
Thank you again for your input and we look forward to meeting you at our upcoming resident meeting (to be announced).