Holiday luminaries once lit up the streets of Brook Highland and it’s time to bring the tradition back! Emily Dieguez has been working diligently to get the holiday luminaries started up again. She has volunteered her lower driveway as the sand dumping ground and is working to recruit volunteers for assembly and disbursement. If you see her, be sure to thank her for all of her hard work! To do my small part to help her out, I have created a Google form to streamline and organize the ordering and volunteers. If you’re interested in ordering and/or volunteering, please fill out the Google form. If you’re feeling extra generous, consider gifting luminaries to your friends/neighbors!
Once you fill out the order form, please Venmo $10 per house to @BH-Lights to pay. If you do not have Venmo, please bring cash at pick up. Thanks so much for helping to make our neighborhood even more beautiful for the holidays! If you have any questions, you can reach out to the Luminary team from the Facebook posts on Brook Highland Neighbors, or contact Emily Dieguez at 205-317-5612.
To order:
To pay:
As always, thank you to our wonderful HOA (Jay, David, & Sheri) for their support in bringing this tradition back!